Contact Phone: +7 831 417 93 90
5, Delovaya st., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Made in Vozduh
5, Delovaya st.,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Made in Vozduh

If something goes wrong

What should be done, if the vehicle has broken?

1. Come down and do not panic.
2. Try to find out a broken unit.
3.Then at any case you should write a letter to our specialists from a service and warranty department. In letter you should describe your problem, the unit which does not work and attach some photos of it. The e-mail of a service and warranty department: We also need information about VIN number of a vehicle, a vehicle’s model, chassis’ model, an engine number (if there is one) and contacts of a person who is responsible for this vehicle.

And remember – there is no desperate situations!